Connect SAFE
to 1000's of Web2 Apps using
Connect and set it up right in Zapier now!
Grindery's integration-platfrom-as-a-protocol (iPaaP) if the fastest and easiest way to connect dApps with thousands of web2 Apps.
What you can do with
Zapier + Grindery
Easily Mint an NFT
Create a form with Typeform, HubSpot, Google or Airtable and allow your users to mint a personalized NFT.
Quickly Request a Payment
Create a form with Typeform, HubSpot, Google or Airtable and allow your team to submit a proposal or payment request to your Multisig or DAO.
Get Instant Deposit Notifications
Detect when a deposit happens on a wallet, multisig or any contract and send a message to Slack, Discord, Twitter or your browser.
Securely Backup your Transaction
Push any transaction or event from a wallet or smart contract to a Google Sheet or Airtable to get an accounting record.